Bi-weekly Critique

Packaging – iPhone 3Gs box

Author:  Steve Jobs, Jonathan Ive and many other designers for Apple.

Year Produced: June 19, 2009

Type: Phone box

iphone-3gs-box iphone-box_patent_open


The iPhone 3gs box serves as an excellent way to package the phone because it is iconic in its design. The box is black with a picture of an iPhone on the top representing what is inside and has various branding around the edges again emphasizing what the product is. The inside of the box is very innovative as the consumer opens the box they are introduced to the product in layers, the phone being the most important thing is on top and information and accessories are beneath. The box is easy to open and has the ability to be repackaged with out damaging the box.

The simple black and white color scheme gives a sophisticated feeling about the product and represents the black and white color scheme of the iphone itself. The only type present is the iPhone logo on the sides of the box that uses a very basic font that works well with the box because it is simple. In conclusion all the design choices that went into the iPhone box work very well together because they all share the common theme of simplicity and the idea to show only what is important.
